Denne API-nøkkelen kan brukes for Zapier / Power Automate / krølle-automatiseringer.Kontoen din på har et API bruksbegrensning: maks 40 anrop per 8 timer. Hvis du trenger å gå utover denne grensen, bør du vurdere å bruke on-premise SeekTable-installasjon (ingen grenser for API-anrop) .
Oppsett for tofaktorautentisering
Tofaktorautentisering er for øyeblikket aktivert for kontoen din. For å sette opp din Google Authenticator (eller lignende app), bruk QR-koden under.
Oppsett-kode for manuell innlegging:
Read-only mode
You cannot make modifications in the public account.
Create your own account: Signup.
Order Subscriptions
Team Sharing The ability to invite other SeekTable users into the team and share cubes/reports with access control.
Advanced Publishing/Embedding Activate additional settings for published reports.
Important: SeekTable subscriptions are NOT recurring automatically; your billing
information is NOT saved anywhere. When subscription expires you'll need to renew it manually.