Top-3 Customers by Manager | Northwind: Order Items
Exporting data
This API key may be used for Zapier / Power Automate /
curl automations.
Your account on has an API usage limitation: max 40 calls per 8 hours.
If you need to exceed this limit please consider using on-premise SeekTable installation (no API calls limits)
or activate "Advanced publishing" (40 calls per hour).
Two Factor Authentication Setup
Two-factor authentication is currently enabled for your account. To set up your Google Authenticator (or similar app), use the QR code provided below.
Setup code for manual entry:
Authentication Code
Read-only mode
You cannot make modifications in the public account.
Create your own account: Signup.
Order Subscriptions
Team Sharing The ability to invite other SeekTable users into the team and share cubes/reports with access control.
Advanced Publishing/Embedding Activate additional settings for published reports.
Important: SeekTable subscriptions are NOT recurring automatically; your billing
information is NOT saved anywhere. When subscription expires you'll need to renew it manually.